3 Tips For Finding Online Business Ideas
Online business ideas are a dime a dozen. You can sell a lot of things on the web. You can sell bags, shoes, and apparel while the more absurd ideas run along the lines of celebrity hair and other crazy random things. After all, one man's junk is another man's treasure.
Silly products that you can sell online on eBay are one thing; creating sustainable online businesses are another. So what exactly do you look out for when it comes to online business ideas? Here are some tips that you may find helpful.
1. Keep an eye out for everyday problems you can solve.
By now, you should realize that the businesses that have been around for awhile are successful precisely because they are solving a problem for someone. Think very hard about this. What are the problems that you encounter while going to work or while making breakfast? Watch out for the times that you think to yourself, "Why can not someone invent something that will help me with [insert problem]?" The ideas that come into your head might amaze you.
2. Check if the business idea can be done online.
There are pure online businesses and there are those traditional businesses that have websites and a traditional brick and mortar storefront. Businesses that have traditional storefronts usually realize that they can make twice as much if they set up an ecommerce store. And why not? The Internet has made it easier to reach clients from other states and all the way to China. The sky's the limit. Stop putting borders around your business and start truly participating in the global economy.
Businesses that are purely online are another story. These are the eBay shops, the information blogs running on affiliate income and advertising, as well as a number of online applications that offer their services on a subscription basis. Of course, there are many more that you can come up with. It's the Internet – anything is possible. An example of this would be "The Million Dollar Homepage" where the founder auctioned off one million pixels of his homepage. Starting out with the price of a dollar per pixel, it became an internet phenomenon and was being sold for more than that. The highest price was to the tune of $ 38,100. It just goes to show that the Internet is a real game-changer for businesses.
3. Put up a site and analyze later!
The funny thing about online business ideas is that it costs more to do extensive planning than to just execute the idea. At the very least, get the business model down pat and start building the website. The World Wide Web is awesome because the feedback is almost instantaneous. Unlike the real world where market feedback comes back after a few months or so, the Internet can give you immediate feedback in the form of analytics, user comments, and sales among other things. So stop over analyzing things and just put it up. You'll be glad you did!