VC’s and Entrepreneurs in Green Technology


Green technology is being predicted to be the successor of the Internet. Because of the looming effects of global warming and the prediction of most scientists becoming more and more noticeable, a lot of people are beginning to act. Unlike the online boom, green technology will probably not be as big and widespread because not everyone has access in creating scientific advancements. Unlike the Internet wherein people can just fiddle with their computers and teach themselves how to code, green technology will be a lot harder to crack. Though the two industries won’t be exactly the same, they do have similarities. One of the more prominent similarities is the interaction between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs.

The call to act is indeed getting more and more urgent every minute. Having said that, some daring and knowledgeable people are starting to act up. These people have the solutions and the knowledge but the lack one very important thing, the money. This is where venture capitalists come in. Their role is to find the most promising breakthroughs in order to come up with a solution. The wave is just beginning.

We are just starting to see the emergence of this new industry that mainly relies on alternative energy. Among them are solar energy, wind energy, batteries, and bio fuels. Indeed, the future looks very bright for green technology. 2009 just so happens to be a major deterrent to progress because of the recession. One thing is for sure though, as soon as the economy bounces back, more and more advancements will emerge.

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